
Initiatives to Support Aboriginal Wellbeing

The McGowan Government continues to make further investments to support the wellbeing of Aboriginal people and Close the Gap, with a $281.5 million increase in funding in this Budget.

Aboriginal organisations play a role in delivery in up to 70 per cent of existing State Government initiatives relating to Aboriginal wellbeing, either solely or in partnership with Government agencies and other non-government organisations.

At a glance:

  • An additional $42.6 million over four years for the Essential and Municipal Services Upgrade for Aboriginal Remote Communities.
  •  $77 million in ongoing operational costs associated with the Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Act and funding for Local Aboriginal Cultural Heritage Services to better protect Aboriginal heritage sites and support engagement with Traditional Owners.
  •  $31.1 million over four years to continue the Aboriginal Community Connectors Program.
  •  $27.5 million for upgrades to the Wadjemup Burial Ground and repairs to the Quod building on Rottnest Island, including funding for consultation to develop a plan for the site.
  •  $18.3 million grant for South West Aboriginal Medical Service Health Hub matching a funding commitment from the Commonwealth.
  •  $11.8 million for initiatives forming part of the Kimberley Juvenile Justice Strategy, including continuing existing night patrols, and a Safe Space pilot in Broome.
  •  $8.3 million for the operational costs and lifecycle maintenance for the Geraldton Aboriginal Short Stay Accommodation.
  •  $6 million to establish the Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisation Peak body; and to continue to support the Aboriginal Health Council of WA.
  •  $5.8 million for a one-year extension of the Driving Access and Equity Program, improving access to job opportunities.
  •  $5.8 million for additional Aboriginal Mental Health Workers (10 FTE) to support Aboriginal children and families to access and engage with Infant, Child and Adolescent mental health services.
  •  $5.4 million to continue Psychiatric Services in the East Kimberley to support Aboriginal youth wellbeing.
  •  $2.3 million to seal the Warmun airstrip to provide for all weather landing conditions and improve safety for aircraft.


Page reviewed 11 May 2023