
Investing in our Regions

The 2023-24 Budget continues to invest heavily in regional WA through Royalties for Regions, with $4 billion allocated to the program over the next four years.

The Government has committed a massive $11.2 billion investment in regional infrastructure, of which only 9 per cent is funded by Royalties for Regions. This includes $5.3 billion in regional road funding.

These investments are in addition to billions spent on regional service delivery including health, education and training, police and more.

At a glance:

  • $342 million increase in spending on regional health and mental health initiatives, including the continuation of the Mental Health Emergency Telehealth Service and additional investment in WA Health’s regional workforce.
  • $61.6 million additional investment in Government Regional Officer Housing to support the attraction and retention of public sector workers.
  • $32.6 million to protect the State’s livestock industries from increasing biosecurity threats, including emergency animal disease preparedness ($10.4 million) and an electronic identification (eID) system for sheep and goats ($22.2 million).
  • $31.3 million for the Buccaneer Archipelago Marine Parks.
  • $23.6 million to support survivors of family and domestic violence in the regions, including a new FDV Hub in Broome.
  • $20.2 million for Future Drought Fund programs to build farm and regional community resilience.
  • A further $20.7 million for the Regional Airfare Zone Cap scheme.
  • $6.5 million towards implementation of the Aquaculture Development Plan for Western Australia.


For information on specific regions, please refer to the Regional Fact Sheets

Images courtesy of Department of Biodiversity Conservation and Attractions, Gascoyne Development Commission and Travis Hayto.
Page reviewed 11 May 2023